The committee is elected annually at the AGM (normally January/February time).
Members of the 2022-2023 committee, with positions and affiliations, are:
Chair: Julia Knight (Ayscoughee Hall)
Vice Chair: Heather Hughes (University of Lincoln)
Secretary: Deborah Thomas (Individual member)
Treasurer: Stephen Roe (Heritage Lincolnshire)
Membership Secretary: Jackie Goodall (Sir Joseph Banks Society)
Communication/social media: Natalie Brimecome-Mills (University of Lincoln)
Student Forum: Paul Baguley (Lincolnshire Heritage Student Forum)
Independent Museums Rep: Mark Bamford (Sleaford Museum)
Matt Bentley (North Kesteven District Council)
Batul Dungarwalla (Lincolnshire CVS)
Alison Fairman (Boston Heritage Forum)
Sarah Grundy (Lincolnshire County Council)
Will Mason (Lincolnshire County Council)
David Radford (Boston Heritage Forum)
Jannette Warrener (Canal and River Trust)
Meeting minutes

Bolingbroke Castle